Thursday, May 10, 2018

Against the Grain

Hey y'all! 

I'm Jenny...crazed (if you ask anyone that sees me while shopping at Costco) mom of 9 and wife of Chris (but I call him Zack-long story)!  We are about to celebrate 27 years of marriage and 31 years of being together this year!

 I had a blog several years ago (back when there were only 8 kiddos!), but I decided to let it go and focus on family for awhile.  Now that I have regrouped, I have slowly entered back into the world of social media as I have started an Instagram account for home decor.  Well, actually, I already had an Instagram account, I just decided to make it public and began to share my home and decorating... it sort of evolved from there!

I recently felt the urge to get back into blogging as I get so many questions on my IG account and know that our story is a rather unusual one, especially since we have recently added adoption to our list of "living outside of what society expects."  While I have no illusions that the way we live will ever be understood by everyone, I do feel like so many of my experiences as an Army brat, military wife, mom of child suffering from Endometriosis, mom of several with ADHD, foster mom, adoptive mom, mom of a child born with drug exposure, mom of a child of a different race, homeschooling mom, homesteading mom, farming mom, mom of a toddler while going through menopause (!), Christian mom, mom of 4 young adults, mom of college students... well, you get the idea...will allow me to impart some of the wisdom that I hope and pray has come through those experiences.  In my 47 years of life, I have learned many things that have led me to where I am today, and I can only hope that I am more wise, more kind, more loving and more mature than when I started! 

While I hope to eventually pen a book about living "against the grain" of society, I am feeling like this is a great way to begin to put my thoughts and experiences in writing.  It's been a tough, and sometimes incredibly lonely world at times, but it's been so worth the temporary discomforts to be able to discover God's plan for our family! I hope that you'll join me as I begin to share our story!

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